Blog English2019-05-18T15:39:14-04:00
1804, 2018

Vinyl Recycling in Hospitals: Saving Our Lives and Our Planet

When you go to a hospital with a health concern, you are trusting that you will be cared for because that’s what hospitals do, they care for people. But they don’t just stop there; they also care for the health of our planet. Around the world, hospitals are choosing to use vinyl [...]

1104, 2018

The Importance of Vinyl in Disasters

Imagine waking up in the middle of the night to the sounds of sirens and evacuation calls; your home has just been issued a flood warning and everyone needs to drop everything and leave! We hope you never experience a natural disaster first hand or the need to evacuate your home [...]

304, 2018

What Our Hospitals Would Look Like Without Vinyl

Whether its blood bags, IV tubes, bed covers or even the floors, vinyl is the material of choice when it comes to our healthcare institutions. We are so surrounded by vinyl medical products, and we don’t even think twice about them. They assist and support medical processes, pro [...]

2703, 2018

7 Tips to Test Your Sustain-ABILITY

Last week we spoke about Sustainability in Home Renovation and this week we are following suit and starting a movement; The Sustain-ABILITY Movement. We are going to be focusing on products that provide you with the ability to be more sustainable.  Use Reusable Bags: Instead of [...]

2203, 2018

The History of Water Infrastructure: Then and Now

Can you picture a time when our sewage traveled openly through wells and ditches instead of underground? Neither can we, but that was a reality for 6500 BC civilizations. It’s hard to believe that there was ever a time where clean water meant digging a well and hoping for the be [...]

2003, 2018

Sustainability in Home Renovation: The New Homeowner Trend

Though sustainability as a whole is by no means a new trend, it has been making a noticeable come back in the home renovation department. With more Millennials in the market for homes, new sustainable options have been popping up in all kinds of different industries. But one ind [...]

603, 2018

Study Says Pipe Failures Cause for Concern: Utah State University Releases Statistics on Water Main Breaks

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 6, 2018 CONTACT: Justin Finnegan 646-756-3711 or Study Says Pipe Failures Cause for Concern: Break Rates for Almost Half of North America’s Water Mains Up More Than 40% in Six Years Read & download the full study here! LOGA [...]

1701, 2018

What Do Water Main Breaks Mean for You?

The Dangers & How to Avoid Them The winter season can wreak havoc on local streets in city streets which affect everyone from daily commuters to public transit riders. Physical removal of snow and maintaining roadways can be a great nuisance to municipalities throughout Canad [...]

1712, 2017

Do You Know What’s Under Your Street?

Home ownership is something that almost every human being in the world strives to achieve in their lifetime.  There are many things to consider when purchasing your new home, however one question that most people do not ask is, “what types of pipes are buried under my street?”  I [...]

1711, 2017

How The Pipes Beneath Your Feet Affect What You Drink

Have you ever had to go to the bathroom in an outhouse?  If you never have, I envy you.  Although I’ve used outhouses only a handful of times in my life, every single time I’ve had the displeasure I pray that it’s the last time I will ever have to experience it.  Outhouses are di [...]

1710, 2017

Do You Know How Water is Delivered To Your Tap?

Ever wonder how the water you use at home every day for washing, cooking, cleaning and drinking gets to your tap?Of course everyone knows that their tap water comes from underground pipes, but have you ever wondered what materials these pipes are made of Considering that you tru [...]

1710, 2017

Comment pouvez-vous dire quel type de tuyau d’eau enterré vous apporte votre eau de robinet?

Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé comment l'eau que vous utilisez à la maison chaque jour pour le lavage, la cuisine, le nettoyage et la consommation obtient à votre robinet? Bien sûr, tout le monde sait que leur eau du robinet provient de tuyaux souterrains, mais avez-vous jamais dema [...]

510, 2017

Life Cycle Assessment of PVC Water and Sewer Pipe and Comparative Sustainability Analysis of Pipe Materials

LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT OF PVC WATER AND SEWER PIPE AND COMPARATIVE SUSTAINABILITY ANALYSIS OF PIPE MATERIALS This study evaluates underground pipe infrastructure in the context of providing sustainable water and sewer service over a 100-year period: (1) with minimal risk of degrad [...]

510, 2017

The Life Cycle Assessment of PVC: Study Evaluates of 100-years of Service

LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT OF PVC WATER AND SEWER PIPE AND COMPARATIVE SUSTAINABILITY ANALYSIS OF PIPE MATERIALS This study evaluates underground pipe infrastructure in the context of providing sustainable water and sewer service over a 100-year period: (1) with minimal risk of degrad [...]

510, 2017

Thank Goodness Vinyl Helps Stop Shaking Up Your World Vinyl manufacturers globally are looking to develop infrastructure for durability & longevity. This clip highlights the infrastructure capabilities of Vinyl and its applications for earthquake prevention & reco [...]

510, 2017

Thank Goodness Vinyl Helps Stop Shaking Up Your World

Vinyl manufacturers globally are looking to develop infrastructure for durability & longevity. This clip highlights the capabilities of Vinyl and its applications for earthquake prevention & recovery. It was aired during an episode of Discovery Channel's "Daily Planet"  o [...]

1709, 2017

Les municipalités épargnent chaque étape du chemin avec des tuyaux en vinyle

Je vis dans la ville de Toronto. Quand je pense au réseau compliqué des conduites d'eau enterrées et des tuyaux d'égout sous mes pieds qui gardent cette ville fonctionnant sans à-coup et proprement je ne peux m'empêcher d'être étonné. Il y a des milliers de kilomètres de conduite [...]

1709, 2017

Municipalities Save Big Every Step of the Way with Vinyl Pipe

I live in the City of Toronto.  When I think about the intricate network of buried water mains and sewer pipes under my feet that keep this city running smoothly and cleanly I can’t help but be amazed.  There are thousands of kilometres of buried water mains and sewer pipes in To [...]

1708, 2017

Quand vous pensez respectueux de l’environnement, pensez Vinyl

À un certain point au cours des dernières années, vous avez probablement entendu une certaine publicité négative sur le vinyle et l'environnement. Les écologistes tentent d'effrayer le public en pensant que le vinyle est en quelque sorte mauvais pour l'environnement et nous devri [...]

1708, 2017

When You Think Environmentally Friendly, Think Vinyl

At some point over the last few years you’ve probably heard some negative publicity about Vinyl and the environment.  The environmentalists are trying to scare the public into thinking that Vinyl is somehow bad for the environment and we should ban the entire world from manufactu [...]

1707, 2017

Vinyl Pipe – The Water Main of Choice for Walkerton, Ontario

If you talk to anyone in the Water industry in Ontario about the Walkerton tragedy they will be able to tell you exactly where they were and what they were doing the moment they first heard about it.  For Water professionals Walkerton was like 9/11 or the assassination of John F. [...]

1706, 2017

Vinyl – A Truly Resilient Material

If you’re an infrastructure professional you’ve probably heard the latest buzz word in our industry – Resiliency.  For us Resiliency means Resilient Infrastructure, which is infrastructure that either does not break or can be repaired and placed back in service quickly after a di [...]

1705, 2017

Vinyl – Un des matériaux les plus durables sur Terre

Le mot «durabilité» est jeté autour de beaucoup de ces jours. C'est parce que nous réalisons maintenant que si la population continue de croître au rythme actuel et si nous continuons de consommer des ressources aux niveaux actuels, nous finirons par manquer de ressources dont no [...]

1705, 2017

Vinyl – One of the Most Sustainable Materials on Earth

The word “sustainability” is being thrown around a lot these days.  That’s because we’re now realizing that if the human population continues to grow at the current rate and we continue to consume resources at current levels, we will eventually run out of the resources we need to [...]

1704, 2017

Y at-il quelque chose dans votre maison qui ne libère pas les fumées toxiques quand il brûle?

Une chose que j'aime vraiment faire en été est assis autour d'un feu de camp. Être dehors sur une soirée chaude sentir la chaleur du feu et boire une bière froide. C'est un moyen peu coûteux de passer du temps de qualité avec vos amis. Mais je dois dire que la chose que j'aime le [...]

1704, 2017

Is There Anything In Your Home That Doesn’t Release Toxic Fumes When It Burns?

One thing I really enjoy doing in the summertime is sitting around a campfire.  Being outside on a warm evening feeling the heat from the fire and drinking a cold beer.  It’s a cheap way to spend quality time with your friends.  But I have to say the thing I like most about campf [...]

1703, 2017

Vinyle – Vital pour la santé humaine

Le vinyle est partout Vous avez peut-être entendu quelques publicités négatives au cours des dernières années en ce qui concerne le vinyle et la santé humaine. J'ai entendu des choses comme le vinyle provoque le cancer, le vinyle tue les bébés, même que le vinyle provoque la dys [...]

1703, 2017

Vinyl – Vital For Human Health

Vinyl Is Everywhere You may have heard some negative publicity in the last few years with regards to Vinyl and human health.  I’ve heard things like Vinyl causes cancer, Vinyl kills babies, even that Vinyl causes erectile dysfunction in men.  It seems like every week there’s som [...]

1702, 2017

Pourquoi les réseaux d’eau de nos collectivités explosent-ils?

Vous avez déjà remarqué combien de fois vous entendez parler des ruptures d'eau dans les nouvelles? Semble-t-il que ces pauses se produisent plus fréquemment année après année? Eh bien, si vous avez remarqué une tendance, vous n'êtes pas seul. Quand je regarde les nouvelles, je s [...]

1702, 2017

Why Are Water Mains in Our Communities Bursting?

Ever notice how often you hear about water main breaks in the news?  Does it seem like these breaks are happening more frequently year after year?  Well if you noticed a trend you’re not alone.  When I watch the news I’m amazed at how often water mains break, and the situation se [...]

1701, 2017

Qu’est-ce qui plane sous votre maison qui pourrait vous coûter des milliers?

Propriété à domicile est quelque chose que presque chaque être humain dans le monde s'efforce d'atteindre au cours de leur vie. Il ya beaucoup de choses à considérer lors de l'achat de votre nouvelle maison. Une chose que vous avez probablement jamais pensé, mais doit être au cou [...]

1701, 2017

What is Looming Under Your House That Could Cost You Thousands?

Home ownership is something that almost every human being in the world strives to achieve in their lifetime.  There are many things to consider when purchasing your new home.  One thing you probably never thought about, but should be aware of, is what’s going on under your house. [...]

601, 2017

Vinyl Siding: Fire-safe and right for Fort McMurray

Over the past two decades, homeowners, designers, builders, and remodelers frequently chose vinyl siding on its own and in combination with brick, stucco, stone, and even other styles of vinyl and polymeric siding for its durability, architectural flexibility, low maintenance, an [...]

1611, 2016

Pourquoi est-ce qu’utiliser le vinyle tout autour de votre maison fait une différence?

Le bardage en vinyle, le bardage en polypropylène et le bardage isolé en vinyle : le choix numéro 1 en Amérique Le bardage en vinyle a été le premier choix pour les revêtements extérieurs sur les maisons achevées l’année dernière aux États-Unis pour une 21e année consécutive, sel [...]

1511, 2016

Associations, Nonprofits Come Together to Accelerate Plastics Recycling

Contact: Jay Gardiner, 631-928-9098, Washington, D.C. (November 15, 2016)—A group of trade associations and nonprofits has announced the formation of the North American Plastics Recycling Alliance (NAPRA), a new coalition that is working to signi [...]

1307, 2016

Test your Sports I.Q.!

It a beautiful summer and you’re probably enjoying a lot of sports right now. So, we thought we’d give you a little test. Think about all the different types of sports out there and all the equipment used by amateurs, professionals, and even coaches. Pop quiz: How many sports equ [...]

407, 2016

8 Must-Have Vinyl Camping Products

Ready to spend some quality time in the great outdoors? Whether your next camping adventure involves family or friends, now’s the time to look over your gear and make sure you have everything you need. With that in mind, we’ve rounded up some great products made from durable, sus [...]

1506, 2016

Vos excursions en voiture sont plus confortables grâce au vinyle

La saison des excursions en voiture est à nos portes! Que ce soit pour aller rendre visite à grand-maman, pour visiter les endroits intéressants près de la maison, pour vous rendre au chalet ou pour aller faire du camping, vous et vos proches passerez beaucoup de temps dans la vo [...]

1506, 2016

How Vinyl Makes Your Road Trip More Comfortable

Road trip season is almost here! Whether it’s to visit Grandma, see the sights close to home or venture out to a cottage or campground, you and your loved ones are going to be spending plenty of quality time in the family vehicle. And you can thank vinyl for making each road trip [...]

2605, 2016

Your Spring Home Maintenance Checklist

Now that warmer weather has finally arrived, it’s time to take care of those home maintenance tasks we all meant to do last month. Although most of us assume that spring maintenance is all about cleaning and organizing, this is also your opportunity to give your home thorough ins [...]

1505, 2016

Q&A: Phthalates And Vinyl Flooring

Question: I work as a Marketing Consultant with a global vinyl flooring company headquartered in France. I help create informational lunch and learn presentations for Architects and Designers and will soon be launching a Canadian LinkedIn site that will provide useful informatio [...]

1105, 2016

Top New Vinyl Outdoor Accessories For 2016

Now that spring is finally in full swing, we need to make the most of the time we spend outdoors. From growing your own organic vegetables to entertaining friends to simply relaxing in the back yard, we’ve come across some great new products crafted from easy-to-maintain vinyl to [...]

1304, 2016

Step By Step With Vinyl Flooring!

No. 1 Choice Vinyl flooring is the number one choice for hard surface flooring. Resilient flooring is defined as a non-textile floor that provides underfoot comfort, and characteristically bounces back from repeated traffic or compression. Best Option Vinyl flooring provides subs [...]

1304, 2016

Vinyl Pipe And Your Water

VINYL /PVC PIPE Safe and Beneficial to Public Health Vinyl or PVC pipe is one of the safest and most tested materials used in North America. For over 60 years, every aspect of its production, use and disposal has been evaluated and approved by government and independent certific [...]

1304, 2016

Why Using Vinyl On Every Side Of Your Home Makes A Difference

Vinyl siding, polypropylene siding, and insulated vinyl siding: America’s #1 Choice Vinyl siding was the top pick for exterior cladding on homes completed last year in the United States for the 21st straight year, according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s annual report, “Characterist [...]

1304, 2016

Why Flexible Vinyl Matters

Vinyl, also known as PVC, is derived from salt (one of the earth’s most abundant resources) and natural gas. It is suitable for an almost limitless range of products since vinyl can be rigid and impact resistant enough for pipe or siding, and thin and flexible enough for wall cov [...]

1104, 2016

Credit Cards – Life Takes Vinyl

The Olden Days... Can you imagine back in the olden days ( maybe you're too young, if so,  you need to keep reading this post more than anyone visiting this blog) before credit cards were invented, the amount of time and effort it took to get money out of the bank, those long lin [...]

1403, 2016

Une question oubliée par les acheteurs qui pourrait leur coûter des milliers de dollars

Lorsque vous cherchez à acheter une maison, il est bon d’avoir une liste d’éléments essentiels et d’atouts. La plupart des listes incluent : salle de bain attenante, sous-sol aménagé et écoles proches. Mais on tient souvent les conduites d’eau pour acquises. La cause est évidente [...]

1403, 2016

One Question Home Buyers Don’t Ask That Could Cost Them Thousands

When you’re house hunting, it’s a good idea to have a list of must-haves and nice-to-haves to check against. Most lists include items like en-suite bathrooms, finished basements and access to schools, yet water pipes are often taken for granted. It’s easy to see why. People assum [...]

1303, 2016

How Important Is The Water In Your Home?

We’re fortunate to live in places where obtaining water is as simple as turning on a tap. On, off, simple as that. But when’s the last time you thought about all the ways you and your family use water at home? Here’s what we came up with: drinking, cooking, washing dishes and clo [...]

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