


With the Canadian economy, and other world economies continuing to experience uncertainty, it is vital that we keep our job market alive and robust here in Canada.

The vinyl industry is one such industry that continues to create jobs, and with the recent injection of infrastructure funding by the Canadian federal Minister of Industry, the vinyl sector will see a surge in construction jobs in the coming months and years.

With products like vinyl pipe and other construction materials for residential and commercial applications becoming more and more in demand, so too will the need for growth in the job sector.

With the dramatic drop in the price of oil and the weak loonie, despite the weakening of the manufacturing industry in general, vinyl manufacturing continues to forge ahead as a major contributor to the creation of jobs in Canada.


Steady on…

One of the most incredible stories in recent Canadian history is the star-like reputation that the Canadian economy earned around the world amidst the global economic crisis in 2007.  Often referred to as the “economic darling” by media and heads of state, many watched carefully as the government of the day managed to drive a stable economy through it all.

Through it all, the vinyl industry worked hard to contribute to the GDP of our country, and continues in that pro-active state of mind today.

Understanding that vinyl products, especially for municipal applications of infrastructure and community projects help local economies to realize significant cost savings, those savings ultimately reduce the burden on tax payers.

Remember the next time you read the paper, and you see those notices where the government is looking to replace infrastructure, contact you local government and be heard. Explain that you want to see vinyl products in the bidding process not only because vinyl is a more economical choice, but for long term sustainability and performance, will ensure that replacement time frames on infrastructure materials are extended further than with any other materials.


Open discussion

Vinyl technologies continue to enhance and set new benchmarks in the building and construction industries.  As one of the most sophisticated materials for the health care, building and construction industries, to name but a few, vinyl is motivating other manufacturers to do the same.

Vinyl manufacturers are dedicated to growing economies by offering new technologies designed to last longer, perform better, while ensuring the industry meets with regulatory requirements and environmental sensitivities.

On this site are two world renowned scientists: Dr. Ron Brecher, both dedicated to sharing accurate information to the public about vinyl in industry and the environment. Please take some time while on this site to visit their respective pages, and ask them questions about how vinyl and all of its components are important materials for society.

We’re opening up the discussion on vinyl on this web site, so please join us, and learn the facts about why life…takes vinyl.


Staying competitive in the global economy

Every day we hear more and more disconcerting news about the global economies around us. The U.K., often referred to these days as Brexit anticipating a referendum this summer with a call to its citizens to vote on whether leaving the Euro zone is a better way forward for their economy, refugees from Syria looking to find their way in the world, and terrorism in countries around the world that continue to create emotional fatigue and desensitization for us all.

So what can we do here in Canada to ensure we continue to be a competitive nation while surrounded by all the uncertainty, and what does it have to do with vinyl?

Vinyl, like many other industry’s in Canada creates employment. With employment comes production, and with production come export opportunities.

In order to remain competitive globally and increase economic opportunities, we must protect our industry, our manufacturing sector, and our work force.

We invite you learn more about the value of the vinyl industry in Canada here on this web site, and encourage you to venture to other industry web sites to see how you can play a role in keeping Canada a competitive and buoyant economy.

Speak to your local government representatives and ask them why investing in Canada’s infrastructure is so important, and the direct role our local economies are tied to our global opportunities.